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Can you do color guard and athletics?

YES!! You can be part of our award winning organization and play any one of our many sports on campus. We work with the coaches and create a calendar that will enable you to do both!


Does color guard conflict with any class?

NO! None of the many activities on campus conflicts with color guard. You can do any activity on campus and still be part of our award winning program. 



What if I cant afford to be on the guard?

Not a problem! We have MANY fund-raising activities where you can raise the money to be on our team. Dont let money be a factor in joining our team. We can help you out!


How many trips does guard take during the year?

The color guard takes numerous trips to competitions, football games, and performances around the Dallas and Fort Worth area. In the future, the color guard plans to compete in various cities around the state of Texas and around the country. 


I have never danced in my life. Can I still tryout?

YES! Many of our current members never took formal dance training. Many of our members learned to dance when they first started color guard. Now our guard is one of the top dancing guards in the DFW area. We will train you how to dance. You can do it! Its EASY!!


I cant spin a flag or toss a rifle. Is it really hard?

NO! Its not hard at all. We go very slow in the beginning, and we go at YOUR pace! So if it takes you awhile to learn it, thats ok! None of our members knew how to spin when they started. Now they are one of the top guards in the area and in the State.


Do you really make many friends on the guard?

YES!! Our color guard is a family! Many of our members have developed friendships that will last the rest of their lives. Everyone on the guard is an equal and treated with kindness and respect. BUT, Not only do you have the guard family, you also have 250+ band members to get to know too! Thats A LOT of friends!

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